bitter, dark night

I think I’ve been trying to get something written for at least two week. Even testing the new beta version of ecto3, I wasn’t able to manage anything more than test test, test. It has been, to say the least, nuts. There have been school plays (and much applause), trick-or-treating with teenage girls (the smell […]

I think I’ve been trying to get something written for at least two week. Even testing the new beta version of ecto3, I wasn’t able to manage anything more than test test, test.

It has been, to say the least, nuts.

There have been school plays (and much applause), trick-or-treating with teenage girls (the smell of girls and candy in my truck), hockey games (the sharks lost, but I finally got a sharks jersey), award ceremonies at the county department of education (who, it turns out, have quite the collection of art, one piece of which is now by my daughter). There have been friends in need, emergency house repairs, and kids games that don’t work on Leopard.

And that’s not to mention work.

Work, though; well, one might touch wood (Shhh! no giggling!) and say things are getting better. Or at least getting ready to get better.

We finally got another guy in my group, which we desperately needed – and this new guy’s lookin’ like a rock star, one of those gifted CAD engineers who loves this kind of work, AND has the technical chops. And we have a new director, and for the first time since I reported to Jeff (Ray knows what this means), we have a top manager who fucking gets it. He knows already who’s carrying the load (my team) and who’s not (that other team who sit next to my team, and no, if you’re reading this, I don’t mean you. Unless it’s YOU in which case, yeah I do).

This is why I try not to tell co workers I blog. One of them asked me about a Bukowski quote in my sig bar: “Writing chooses you, you don’t choose it.” And he asked me if I’m a writer, and what I write. “Dark, violent noir” is what I said, because I didn’t want to mention blogging at a group lunch, and I didn’t want to say “erotica featuring drugs and depravity” which is nearer the mark.

But possible improvement aside, we’re still bailing as fast as we can to slow the boat sinking. Which doesn’t help one’s creativity or general well-being.

My head’s been full of snippets of writing lately. I can feel something trying to get out. Snippets of dialog I can’t quite seem to bring from brain to keyboard. Characters who walk on stage and are gone again before I know who they are.

I sat late last night in a bar, watching a pretty young woman talking to thebarman. She wants him, I thought, seeing it in the hair-touching, the posture. I puzzled over their story. Was she playing so hard for him, doing her overt mating dance? Or was I seeing a couple in love already, her body showing every recent touch of his hands.

I wondered as I sipped strong black coffee and listened to people next to me tell boastful stories. I began to tell myself a story about them, pieced together without words, from glances and smiles and almost-touches. I entertained myself until last call and after, until closing time.

I overheard the handsome young barman then, as I picked up my coat and hat. He was saying “…my fiancée…” to other late-night patrons, with an open-handed sweep in her direction.

Young love, I thought. Romance, and possibility, everything life has laid before them like a shining path.

“Fuck the both of you,” I thought, and walked out into a bitter, dark night.

The setting above was true, a pretty girl who looked like Fred from the teevee show Angel, playing with her hair as she talked to a friend of mine who tends bar. The word fiancée was indeed used later, when he introduced her, and I loved her instantly when she said hello. She had a little betty boop voice that made want to hear her say daddy.

But the slice on monolog was a character who started speaking in my head as I drove home. I don’t know who he was or why the young lovers inspired his wrath; but I wanted to find out. I wanted to know the rest of his story.

It wasn’t there. Just what you see, more or less as I heard his voice say it at 1:30 am last night on a freeway under dark, clear, starry skies. His story was lost, like someone you meet in an airport lounge and listen to for twenty minutes, while you await flights to different ends of the world. Like someone you meet and wonder about after.

I need to find a character again who speaks to me long enough that I know him, or her; that I can let them tell mea a story. It’s been far too long since that’s happened, but I can almost feel it, almost hear it.

And time, of course, to let them speak when they arrive. Because they will not wait. They will not hear me say, later, tell me later.

get thee thy jesusphone

Ok. It’s time. Go get your iPhone. I don’t get mine ’til late july (we get ours after you get yours – hell, I have the same philosophy in bed, so I can’t argue). And no, I can’t get you one, I can’t get me one, apart from the one-per-employee apple’s handing out as a […]

Ok. It’s time. Go get your iPhone.


I don’t get mine ’til late july (we get ours after you get yours – hell, I have the same philosophy in bed, so I can’t argue). And no, I can’t get you one, I can’t get me one, apart from the one-per-employee apple’s handing out as a thanks for the incredible amount of work we’ve all been doing on this project.

If you manage to score one, let me know what you think. I still ain’t actually seen one in person, for all the hours I’ve put into getting the chips and boards out.

I have fantasies like that…

It’s conversations like this that make me like where I work. My group’s director – who’s also my long time pal and tattoo soul-mate, Jeff – walked into my office and began: “The great thing about having a personal trainer is that now, I really have a body” “Must be nice, man,” I replied. “It’s […]

It’s conversations like this that make me like where I work.

My group’s director – who’s also my long time pal and tattoo soul-mate, Jeff – walked into my office and began:

“The great thing about having a personal trainer is that now, I really have a body

“Must be nice, man,” I replied.

“It’s what happens when you work out with an evil lesbian three mornings a week.”

“…I have fantasies like that,” I said.

“Yeah, I bet you do,” said Jeff with an evil laugh, as he walked off down the hall.

like a start-up

Skip this one if you’re here for the dirty stuff. This is one in which I bitch about work and stress. How did another fucking week get by me like this? It seems like yesterday I was saying, i’m off for sake bombs and then two blinks I’m back, and the list of things I […]

Skip this one if you’re here for the dirty stuff. This is one in which I bitch about work and stress.

How did another fucking week get by me like this? It seems like yesterday I was saying, i’m off for sake bombs and then two blinks I’m back, and the list of things I need to get done is no shorter, in fact it’s longer.

I need a vacation, so very fucking badly. Hell, I needed to take a couple sick days this week (doctor’s orders – i got me a wicked sinus infection) but fuck it, I’ve no time to be sick.

I’m counting days til I get a break; 18. I head to anaheim for an all-too-short family trip to see The Mouse. But while that’s good for the soul, it’s not rest; four days of mad rush and then back at work.

My real vacation isn’t til august, and even that is still in a state of flux due to some scheduling difficulties. If I’m lucky though, I’ll be under water in about a hundred and twenty days.

Ignore me while I grumble. This shit ain’t as easy as when I was 25. This is why i didn’t move to a startup company six, almost seven years ago when I left Cisco. I had offers; I had several offers. But I had a moment of clarity, and though, sure the big money, maybe, if the dice land right, but what else? And I thought about my first run in a start-up where home was a memory, a place I showed up at to sleep and shower, where life was what I did at work, not the other way around. And I turned down an offer or two and took a job in a big corporation.

This last month it’s like I’m on one of those shops, where we are in push mode all the time, short handed and long-houred; and we don’t even see when the light at the end of the tunnel is, we don’t know when the ramp stops going up. It’s that kind of push, we’re in uncharted waters here. The schedule tells us nothing, because for my team, the work is setup, support, methodology. And we don’t know what is going to explode around which corner yet.

We’re makin’ this up as we fuckin’ go, y’know?

I had a conversation with a co-worker the other day; one of those relaxed, happy, eternally competent people who almost never gets riled, who never complains even when he has to work long house (ie, nothing like me), and he remarked, this is getting really tense, you know? Stress is getting to everyone. And I said yes, and dude, it’s going to get worse.

To be sure, I’m actually into what I’m working on, which hasn’t always been true the last two years. My days are winging by and I’m doing work I’m good at (i’m at my best at the bleeding edge). This isn’t misery I’m talkin’ about. But damn, I’m tired.

what the fuck time is it?

Well, the dreaded DST bug was about as big a deal as the Y2K bug – ie, not, but mainly because IT pros like myself put in a lotta hours in advance testing, checking and uprading. Of course that still meant a lot of hours at work on sunday re-checking everything to make really-damned-sure before […]

Well, the dreaded DST bug was about as big a deal as the Y2K bug – ie, not, but mainly because IT pros like myself put in a lotta hours in advance testing, checking and uprading. Of course that still meant a lot of hours at work on sunday re-checking everything to make really-damned-sure before users (ie, riff-raf, ie, you people) got on line and starting finding things broken.

Cause there’s nothing worse, for a support person, than when the users find the bugs we should have found.

Thus, today, all is well, but i need a day off.

I must say, I don’t know that i groove on this early DST thing. While I bet I like it later when it’s still light at 7pm, right now, the sun is burning in my east-facing window and searing my corneas. I’m sitting at my desk in sunglasses and squinting; I look like I have a monday morning hangover (or, you know, if I move my head right, I can pretend I look like Ray Charles, baby.)

What the fuck time is it, anyway?

better things to do

Pardon me a moment while I grumble. This has been a very long week; various dramas of real life involving parents, a sudden huge uptick in my workload, drama from unexpected sources here and there. The kind of week where you really look forward to weekends. No; I have to work. One of the things […]

Pardon me a moment while I grumble.

This has been a very long week; various dramas of real life involving parents, a sudden huge uptick in my workload, drama from unexpected sources here and there.

The kind of week where you really look forward to weekends.

No; I have to work. One of the things I inherited from Mr. Disappeared is a big project to roll out a bunch of new hardware libraries (if you don’t know what that mans, don’t worry, it’s irrelevant). Now, I sort of figured it was a quick morning of work due to how much time he’d had to set up for it. Not so much, it turns out.

I had to bag out on going to a San Jose Stealth game last night (our local pro lacrosse team) because of this; I had this image of bein’ outta the office today by one or two o’clock, maybe doing some useful or entertaining thing.

No. I’m still here trying to get all this shit working, flyin’ blind because I was just supposed to be dropping changes in place and didn’t have time to get a full view of what the changes would be.

And you know, days like this, there has to be an ‘and to make things worse’.


I carry this knife. Only mine, well, mine’s what you might call a switchblade. So today I went to pull my new phone out of my pocket, and somehow between skull ring, knife, and phone, there was something of a miss-fire.

What that means is that my hand went in fine, but when it came out, there was suddenly a knife blade in the mix; this left me with a 3/4″ furrow carved into my right middle finger (The L finger, for those keeping track).

As luck would have it (or you could call it foresight, given how I am, though you’d be wrong), i happen to have band-aids at my desk (batman, in case anyone was wondering). So I was able to staunch the blood flow with super-heroic power, without ever loosing focus on the task at hand. I’m just that good.

But having a finger out of commission just adds that one extra irritant to my day; it’s now nearly six PM and I stay anchored to my desk, with no end to this job in sight.

I had much much better things to do today. Much better things.


Someone in my group got disappeared today. It’s one of those corporate moments that just freaks ‘ya out, you know? Friday you’re talkin’ to a guy about a project you’re working on, monday he’s mysteriously out of work and your boss is saying you might need to handle that. And then they start with the […]

Someone in my group got disappeared today.

It’s one of those corporate moments that just freaks ‘ya out, you know? Friday you’re talkin’ to a guy about a project you’re working on, monday he’s mysteriously out of work and your boss is saying you might need to handle that.

And then they start with the euphemisms about won’t be here. No one uses the word fired.

And no one seems to know why. The ones who know don’t say; they can’t.

And we all look over our shoulders, and then at the train headed our way, carrying a shitload of work that someone else was doing; work no one else knows how to do.

That train has my name on it.

Maybe a bullet’s a better metaphor; because it’s that jumpy feeling you get, like there are cross-hairs trained on your back. You don’t know when it’s coming, but you know sooner or later it will.


Well, the coworker in question didn’t get disappeared; there’s still the romulan cloaking device over what exactly happened, but evidently he was asked to leave, though evidently he expected it, and it wasn’t over anything beyond work performance. He was at work today clearing out his office and answering questions while waiting for his goodbye check. Fortunately he’s a good guy and was willing to spend a lot of hours doing a brain dump for those of us who have to clean up after.

However, what this all means for me (because it’s all about me, and don’t you fucking forget it) is that all the shit he’s been doing but not documenting for nearly two decades is now mine and all the schedules that he’s months behind on, also, are now my slipped deadlines.

The light at the end of the tunnel? C’mon say it with me – is a train. And it’s pickin’ up speed.

Self Review

Every year, around this time of year, it winds up being review time at my place of gainful employment, and I have to do the dreaded Self-evaluation-form. And every year i try to write a clever piece about it, to the effect that instead of this crap, i should get reviewed on what I’m I’m […]

Every year, around this time of year, it winds up being review time at my place of gainful employment, and I have to do the dreaded Self-evaluation-form.

And every year i try to write a clever piece about it, to the effect that instead of this crap, i should get reviewed on what I’m I’m actually good at.

Hilarity would then ensue.

Only every year, I wind up pissed off and time-short and never get it done. I’ve two or three partially completed pieces like that.

Fuck it. You people do it. Write me my performance review. I’m going to go gnash my teeth.

Joomla Designers?

Anyone out there know Joomla templates? I’ve need of a good Joomla designer who can take some bad CSS and make a good joomla template out of it. This is a paying gig. I’m not a designer, I suck at graphic design. Help. I’m working on setting up a server and getting the content in […]

Anyone out there know Joomla templates?

I’ve need of a good Joomla designer who can take some bad CSS and make a good joomla template out of it.

This is a paying gig.

I’m not a designer, I suck at graphic design. Help.

I’m working on setting up a server and getting the content in place, but the template is what the muckity-mucks care about, and they feel we need to make it look like the old site.

cobbler’s elves

looks like I’ve got one of those all-weekend pushes coming – a project that’s due for release monday (this is internal tools stuff, not product. I don’t do product, man) needs the cobbler’s elves to do magic behind the scenes. So I’ll be at my desk, or some variant of my desk, most of the […]

looks like I’ve got one of those all-weekend pushes coming – a project that’s due for release monday (this is internal tools stuff, not product. I don’t do product, man) needs the cobbler’s elves to do magic behind the scenes.

So I’ll be at my desk, or some variant of my desk, most of the weekend, getting data moves and tools tested so that no one notices a damned thing on monday.

That’s the essence of what I do, most of the time. make it work, so users people notice anything changes.

If i’m lucky this won’t be a really major push. I’d actually like to see the sun if it pops out this weekend. But we’ll see…