Every year, around this time of year, it winds up being review time at my place of gainful employment, and I have to do the dreaded Self-evaluation-form. And every year i try to write a clever piece about it, to the effect that instead of this crap, i should get reviewed on what I’m I’m […]
Every year, around this time of year, it winds up being review time at my place of gainful employment, and I have to do the dreaded Self-evaluation-form.
And every year i try to write a clever piece about it, to the effect that instead of this crap, i should get reviewed on what I’m I’m actually good at.
Hilarity would then ensue.
Only every year, I wind up pissed off and time-short and never get it done. I’ve two or three partially completed pieces like that.
Fuck it. You people do it. Write me my performance review. I’m going to go gnash my teeth.
Funny: I’m having to fill out paperwork to subcontract for the very same company….that I just filled out two months ago.
As for your needs, maybe you could just submit a few pages of this: Web Economy Bullshit Generator
Let’s see – I don’t know you well enough (yet) to review you, but I just noticed that you added me as 1 of your favorite sluts & I’m just beside myself w/damn giddydom. lol 😉
your site has just landed on my mouthwatering new favorite list.
good god why have I not been here before…oh yes…depression and shit…
I love your comment ransom thing..that is fucking hilarious.