Keith’s Skull

I’m sure we’re all very concerned that Keith Richards recently fell out of a palm tree in fiji and had to be airlifted to new zealand (I guess he needed to get to Rivendell for some of that elf healing). And we’re even more concerned that he just had holes drilled in his head to […]

I’m sure we’re all very concerned that Keith Richards recently fell out of a palm tree in fiji and had to be airlifted to new zealand (I guess he needed to get to Rivendell for some of that elf healing).

And we’re even more concerned that he just had holes drilled in his head to relieve pressure, or, you know, let the bad spirits out.

But you know, at least we have this really cool picture that shows Keith’s skull ring (click for a better view, if you dare).

Keith Richards

‘Cause you know, that’s the part I care about.

Serious Silver Skull rings

Just wondering if anyone has had any contact AT ALL with the Serious SIlver people who make the Clapton Skull Ring and the Keith Richards skull ring. I’ve been hearing about them failing to ship orders, and despite several attempts I’ve been unable to contact them. They make some great rings (i love my Clapton […]

Just wondering if anyone has had any contact AT ALL with the Serious SIlver people who make the Clapton Skull Ring and the Keith Richards skull ring.

I’ve been hearing about them failing to ship orders, and despite several attempts I’ve been unable to contact them. They make some great rings (i love my Clapton Skul) but it’s frustrating to hear that one of my favorite ring makes has gone completely flaky while still having a site up.

If anyone’s talked to them or knows how to get hold of them, let me know. Until I’ve got more info though, I suggest people not place any orders with them.

Oh, this is dangerous

CrazyPig, one of the coolest and oldest of the skull ring makers, now has an online store. I would happily buy almost everything on that page, and that’s just the rings. Hell. There goes what’s left of my paycheck.

CrazyPig, one of the coolest and oldest of the skull ring makers, now has an online store.

I would happily buy almost everything on that page, and that’s just the rings.

Hell. There goes what’s left of my paycheck.

DeadRingers update

My hand it up on the DeadRingers web site, along with some other fantastic new pictures (Love the gold skulls). They’ve also got some new items on the site, and some sketches of upcoming pieces (Want that celtic cross – nice!) As usual, fabulous designs and incredibly creativity. These guys are awesome.

My hand it up on the DeadRingers web site, along with some other fantastic new pictures (Love the gold skulls).

They’ve also got some new items on the site, and some sketches of upcoming pieces (Want that celtic cross – nice!)

As usual, fabulous designs and incredibly creativity. These guys are awesome.

Crazy Old Uncle Joe

One of my readers, crazy old uncle joe (one of those madmen who types all in caps so you always feel like he’s SHOUTING EVERYTHING AT MAXIMUM VOLUME) just sent me a pic of his fabulous brand new Tony Creed DestinyMan skull ring (Click for a close-up): That’s one sweet ring, Joe. Wear it well. […]

One of my readers, crazy old uncle joe (one of those madmen who types all in caps so you always feel like he’s SHOUTING EVERYTHING AT MAXIMUM VOLUME) just sent me a pic of his fabulous brand new Tony Creed DestinyMan skull ring (Click for a close-up):

Joes Ring Edited

That’s one sweet ring, Joe. Wear it well. Tony rocks, doesn’t he?

I was just showing off my ring – which has taken on a battered and abused look like a good skull ring should – to an old friend I ran into in my local sushi bar. Man, I’d like to have another of Tony’s creations, one of these days when I get my budget under control (*cough*never*cough*)!

3/5 of a fistful

I’ve been meaning to post about this since thursday – when it was going to be a sorry excuse for a half-nekkid-thursday post. Only I wound up not having time to even fuckin’ think the last couple days. It was then only an after-thought, since I wasn’t really feelin’ half-nekkid so much on thursday. In […]

I’ve been meaning to post about this since thursday – when it was going to be a sorry excuse for a half-nekkid-thursday post. Only I wound up not having time to even fuckin’ think the last couple days. It was then only an after-thought, since I wasn’t really feelin’ half-nekkid so much on thursday.

In any case, I was gonna post this on thursday because that’s the day I got a fed-ex shipment with this simply amazing DeadRingers Classic Skull Ring:


Read more “3/5 of a fistful”

24 and deadringer

My deadringer classic ring just shipped, or so they tell me. So I should have it soon. I’m not sure HOW SOON since it’s coming all the way from New Zealand (Carried by hobbits, I should think), but soon. In other news, after many, many people told me I should, I finally went and watched […]

My deadringer classic ring just shipped, or so they tell me. So I should have it soon. I’m not sure HOW SOON since it’s coming all the way from New Zealand (Carried by hobbits, I should think), but soon.

In other news, after many, many people told me I should, I finally went and watched 24. And – how’d you put it, Chelse? It’s like crack in teevee form, or something like that. And so it is. I just watched the two hour opening episode of this here current season, and wow, does this start off with a bang or what?

I don’t even know if it’s good. But I know I crave more. More. MORE.

I fear a monster has been created.

Stop me before I add all four seasons to my netflix queue.

Deadringers, Gimmee

Ok. Fine. I give in. Lust wins out every time with me. Which should not come as a great crashing surprise to anyone. I have a ring on order from Deadringer. Mark and Steve, the main men behind Deadringer, made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. They don’t have a pic of exactly what I’m […]

Ok. Fine. I give in.

Lust wins out every time with me. Which should not come as a great crashing surprise to anyone.

I have a ring on order from Deadringer. Mark and Steve, the main men behind Deadringer, made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

They don’t have a pic of exactly what I’m getting up on their site yet, but it’s basically a combination of the two rings pictured below. The ring itself is the classic skull (the one on the left), but with the ‘shadow finish’ from the super-high-end armageddon (The one on the right).


These rings are made custom, so the lead time was quoted at about two weeks for production, plus whatever it takes for shipping. These guys are way the fuck down in New Zealand, so this will have the distinction of being the best-traveled of my skull rings, at least until I myself get south of the equator again. My other two rings are made in the USA.

The thing I love about this particular ring is that it’s the most realistic skull ring I’ve ever seen, beating out even my clapton skull from Serious Silver. Steve Gillespie, the jeweler behind Deadringer, clearly sat down with a real skull, or at least an anatomically correct replica, and made a ring that re-created the shape almost exactly. I don’t think you’re ever going to find a better, more exact, real skull ring than this.

It’s wholly different animal than your classic rock ‘n roll skull ring, of which my favorite in the universe is the one made by my friend Tony Creed – my Elvis Lives skull. That’s a creature of rock n’ roll and horror comics, bikers and pirates, a thing born of artistic imagination.

The rock n’ roll skull ring has a vast range – most of it ugly, much of it stupid. The standouts though, Creed’s work and Crazy Pig, some of Bill Wall’s work, are a distillation of a Motorhead/biker aesthetic.

Different things. Different ends of an artistic spectrum. I love them both, the realistic skull and the rock ‘n roll skull. And I can’t wait to see this Deadringer piece.

Skull Lust

I seem to be all about lust this week.

(Yeah, I can hear you in the back, whattya mean this week? – shaddup, willya.)

First there was tattoo lust, then seventies-spanish-babe lust, and now we’re back to my unending desire for cool skull rings.

We’ll talk about my other, never-satiated lusts later.

I just found a new ring maker, who, I think, might have beaten my Clapton Skull as the coolest realistic skull ring ever – the DeadRingers classic skull:


(click the image to enlarge, or here for an alternate view – the ‘order’ link is here along with some other jewelry)

I fuckin’ want this thing. I can see it on my hand, next to my prized Tony Creed skull.

This is a stunning ring. Absolutely stunning. The only issue I have with these guys is that they’re priced too high (Though not absurdly high like Bill Wall). But they’re shooting higher than Tony, and for less fully custom work. That’s the only reason I have not already ordered this ring. If they would knock that price down just a little they’d have my business in two fucking seconds.

But you know, it’s on my wish list, so anyone who wants to show daddy some love