A quick update – despite what people say, I’m not dead. in fact I’m feeling much better. I think I’ll go for a walk. I Feel Happy! Thanks to modern medicine (and visions of nubile slave girls), I’m startin’ to feel human again. I took some time off work and did pretty much nothing but […]
A quick update – despite what people say, I’m not dead. in fact I’m feeling much better. I think I’ll go for a walk. I Feel Happy!
Thanks to modern medicine (and visions of nubile slave girls), I’m startin’ to feel human again. I took some time off work and did pretty much nothing but watch travel channel and re-runs of House (Ok, and hack on Hiromi’s blog templates a little). I didn’t even really read much ’cause I finished that Chris Moore book a few days ago (Review to come but in short, it rules).
It’s been a long time since I’ve been sick like this, and I’m remembering now why people say just give the fuck into it and rest. I’m not so good as giving in, it turns out.
No, but you ARE resting. That’s what works. 🙂
The stuff going ’round this year is extra nasty for some reason. Wise move getting the rest. I think that’s why I never beat it-I’d never give it the several days it would take to get better–the damned school district’s slave-driving ethic driven into me, I guess.
Thanks for the hack-work, man. I’ll take as many little bright spots as I can get.