The Bachelor

about me being alone.

No, Not the reality teevee show. I’m done with that topic.

I’m talking about a temporary bachelor.

The family are taking off for a toasty tour of the southwest (why do they call it the southwest when it’s east of here? And what’s with the midwest? It’s not mid, nor west). I, on the other hand, as a workin’ stiff, can’t always take off at the last minute with no advance planning. So I’m keepin’ the home fires burnin’ and waiting for some post-cards and t-shirts. Gray, with skulls. That’s it, you know what I like.

Meanwhile, I’ve got a big ten days here to myself.

Obviously, I’m hoping to get some writing done. It’s a prime chance, truly. And if I could turn the tap in my head, I could write a fucking novel in ten days. I’ve got the stories, and I’ve got the time. But I’ll keep expectations low and just say, I’ll work, and maybe I’ll get a story or two I can post.

Most likely, I’ll spend too much time at home. I’ll do a ton of laundry, watch a lotta movies (I got netflix again – first up, Firefly), read a thick, heavy book or two (Moby Dick? Hell, it’s on my bedside table), and drink way too much. I’m tellin’ ya, friends, if I do this, come get me outta the house. Sometimes I go hermit when I have the house to myself. Come get me and take me out and get me in trouble. I could use it.

The worst thing I do when I’m alone is that I tend to spend way too much time at work. With no reason to get home, no one to cook for or clean up after, I tend to think, I’ll just finish this today instead of putting it off. That, also, I need to resist.

Other things come to mind. Maybe I’ll take a short motorcycle trip, pack just what I need and head off up or down the coast. Maybe I’ll toss a sleeping bag and a jug of wine in my jeep and find a beach to sleep on.

Why not? A man’s gotta try for an adventure or two.

Or maybe I’ll just conduct a short tour of dive bars in my town. That shouldn’t take long, it’s a small town and it’s got too few bars. Drink up and crawl home. In the old days, I’d have gone on a weekend-long chemical vacation; I miss being young and stupid sometimes.

Hell, I’ll find some way to occupy the hours. I always do.

[made with ecto]

3 thoughts on “The Bachelor”

  1. Dude,

    Whatever you do don’t squander this gift you have been given. Shit, I wish I had 10 days at home by myself with out the kids. I think you talked about going “Balls out” before. Now is the time. Enjoy.

  2. Oh gawd, Firefly! “Joss Whedon is my master now…” I had every ep of that series taped before I bought it on DVD day of release. I don’t know how many times I’ve watched every episode. Especially the whorehouse one. You’ll know the one I mean. Inara’s my girl, by the way. ;D

    And yes, take some time to write! You need it, we all know you do. Luxuriate in words during your time of second-Bachelordom.

  3. Man, that sounds nice. Ten whole days! Actually, for me, the bachelor thing gets old after about 4-5 days — then I really start missing everyone and wanting the family back home. But those first 5 days are bliss, baby.

    So, don’t you dare waste them doing a bunch of work. If I hear you blew this, I’ll disclose every single spoiler about Serenity just to piss you off….

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