Well, my doctor says I have a sinus infection. That’s two in a month. Shows you what happens when one works much and sleeps little for several months running. The casualties? social life, creativity, immune system. What sucks is that I’ve gone two or three years without one of these things (i used to get […]
Well, my doctor says I have a sinus infection. That’s two in a month. Shows you what happens when one works much and sleeps little for several months running. The casualties? social life, creativity, immune system. What sucks is that I’ve gone two or three years without one of these things (i used to get them all the time).
Fortunately, there are lovely modern antibiotics to treat this, and lovely modern pain meds to take care of what feels like a large nail being driven slowly into my face slightly to port of my nose.
And there was much rejoicing (yay.)
Mmmm, Vicodin.
Don’t over do it, now. Drink chicken soup. Make sure the blanket is comfy. Don’t over do the Vicodin. Get a pillow fluffer. Don’t over do the Vicodin. (Did I mention that yet?)
feel better….hugs, E
(hopefully not the third time I’ve posted this comment here, it looked as if the first two didn’t go through)
Sorry to hear your not feeling to sporty…
But look on the bright side! At least your nasty little infection is residing above your shoulders and not below! 😉
Mmmmm…. Yummy.
My latest cold missed turning into infection only because I made it a point to irrigate my sinuses.
I still have the cough.