I know you’re out there

I spend far too much time looking at web stats. I know who hits from where, when – for most of my regular readers, anyway. I know who’s in NYC and who’s in DC; who’s in NO and who’s in what part of TX; I know who’s on the peninsula and who’s in KC and […]

I spend far too much time looking at web stats.

I know who hits from where, when – for most of my regular readers, anyway. I know who’s in NYC and who’s in DC; who’s in NO and who’s in what part of TX; I know who’s on the peninsula and who’s in KC and who’s in AZ; I know who’s in belgium, who’s in the UK and who’s in the Great White North.

There are a few that puzzle me though.

For example – who’s that in Beverly Hills? I’ve seen you here a few times.

Who’s the reader in San Jose, CA, who was reading my decmeber archives for almost an hour today?

Who’s the one on Irvine who spent three hours on my writing blog?

Who are the people who visit from strange places and never say a word? A blogger has to wonder. When readers slip in and out almost silently, leaving only a hit counter’s trace behind, who are they?

10 thoughts on “I know you’re out there”

  1. I’m one of those who slip in/out again bro.Am always clued in on wot those in the ‘Brotherhood of the Skull’are up to.Check out my new post on Deadringer 1/2 Skulls.Feel like a kid whose just got his first handful.Mmmmm

  2. Sometimes I check from my boyfriend’s place. His ISP’s city seems to change with the wind, so maybe that’s me sometimes. I did spend a lot of time on your writing blog yesterday from his place, but Irvine is pretty far south, even for his ever-changing city.

    Good stuff, hon. A little rough for my tastes (delicate flower that I am *cough*), but well done.

  3. Hey I show up from all over the place as well. I know free wireless that I can get to all the time. Most of the time I’m at home, and you know that I’m close to you. It used to say Comcast, but I’m just a number these days. But I’m often found up in San Mateo or Belmont. Just a CA girl though. Most of the time, I’m not traveling.

  4. I’ve lately been silent… but you know me.

    Tracing a websites fascinating. We finally got Tantus looking ok. Went from maybe 2000 a month to 31000. And now tantusdirect- only up for a week is kicking ass… Its a mystery to me but then I can’t even link. LOL

  5. Well, I’m the schmuck from Ohio that meanders in here from time to time. I’ve gotten some seriously odd hits, but they all seem to be for the same reason–either a Smutek photo I included a long while back on the blog (almost all of those hits coming from Eastern Europe) or references to Stone Mountain, which I have YET to figure out how I get tons of hits for that one other than a comment I made about it a while back).

  6. Funny you should write this as I have been thinking of doing the same. I’m most curious about whoever in London reads me every night via another Nola blog.
    I just know he’s hot!

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