…and a hocky game broke out

This right here is why i love hockey. What other sport would let this go on? We get a bunch of testosterone-laden, over-muscles goons get out on a playing field, work into a competitive frenzy, they we act like they’re suppose to just walk like it’s nothing when some joker makes a cheap shot. The […]

This right here is why i love hockey. What other sport would let this go on? We get a bunch of testosterone-laden, over-muscles goons get out on a playing field, work into a competitive frenzy, they we act like they’re suppose to just walk like it’s nothing when some joker makes a cheap shot.

The modern NFL won’t even let players celebrate great plays anymore.

Not so the NHL. They let ’em work it out the old-fashioned way.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1-25s4uwFQ]

The thing that’s cool about this isn’t just that they’re all fighting. What’s cool is that the refs only stop the fights when it looks like the guy on th e bottom is beaten. If the combatants work it out and break up, the refs just let ’em go.

Here come the playoffs.