what the fuck time is it?

Well, the dreaded DST bug was about as big a deal as the Y2K bug – ie, not, but mainly because IT pros like myself put in a lotta hours in advance testing, checking and uprading. Of course that still meant a lot of hours at work on sunday re-checking everything to make really-damned-sure before […]

Well, the dreaded DST bug was about as big a deal as the Y2K bug – ie, not, but mainly because IT pros like myself put in a lotta hours in advance testing, checking and uprading. Of course that still meant a lot of hours at work on sunday re-checking everything to make really-damned-sure before users (ie, riff-raf, ie, you people) got on line and starting finding things broken.

Cause there’s nothing worse, for a support person, than when the users find the bugs we should have found.

Thus, today, all is well, but i need a day off.

I must say, I don’t know that i groove on this early DST thing. While I bet I like it later when it’s still light at 7pm, right now, the sun is burning in my east-facing window and searing my corneas. I’m sitting at my desk in sunglasses and squinting; I look like I have a monday morning hangover (or, you know, if I move my head right, I can pretend I look like Ray Charles, baby.)

What the fuck time is it, anyway?