Taco Flavored Kisses

I’ll fill all your wishes with my taco flavored kisses! South Park viewers will know where that comes from. You ever encounter a food item that you just think, this is fucking wrong? Kraft “Mexican Style Taco Cheese.” Yeah, it’s cheese. That tastes like tacos. Ewww?

I’ll fill all your wishes
with my taco flavored kisses!

South Park viewers will know where that comes from.

You ever encounter a food item that you just think, this is fucking wrong?

Kraft “Mexican Style Taco Cheese.”

Yeah, it’s cheese. That tastes like tacos.


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Far Far Away

The sort of day when I don’t to be here. Not any specific here. Here work, here home, here the simple boring mundanities of real life. I’m picturing a sailboat. A tropical sea, sky. Wind and sun and freedom. Rum. Fruit and fish. No clothes. No people. Two of us. Three of us. Whatever. Tan […]

The sort of day when I don’t to be here.

Not any specific here. Here work, here home, here the simple boring mundanities of real life.

I’m picturing a sailboat. A tropical sea, sky. Wind and sun and freedom. Rum. Fruit and fish.

No clothes. No people.

Two of us. Three of us. Whatever. Tan and sweaty, smelling of the sea and the sun, coconut and lime. Smelling of each other.

Water and sun and the breeze. Sound of tropical foliage. Flowers. Birds.

There. I want to be there. Anywhere.

I want to sail a boat with nowhere to go. Watch a beautiful girl sleep in the sun. Make love in the sea. Sleep and live with a rocking that leaves me feeling wrong when I step on dry land.

Nut brown; clothes feeling wrong, when they’re needed. Nothing that needs a plug or a cord, nothing with a screen, nothing with a keyboard.

Where am I? Why would I care.

When will I come back?

There would be no back; only here, now. Smell, taste, touch.

I shall sit and draw a map that leads to nowhere. X marks any spot. Close your eyes, drive a dagger in, that is where we shall sail.

I can smell the rum already.

Season’s Pornographic Greetings, and Maybe a Job

So I turn out a Bad Santa story and next thing I know, everyone’s doing it.

No, you have to wait. But the one I saw a draft of today (by one of my blog-buddies) pretty much smoked mine.

    [EDIT] – that story’s up.

Bringing Down Santa

    . And it kicks serious ass. It’s funny as hell.

Funny where inspiration strikes. If you go read Man With The Bag, by the way, let me know. If you like it, or even if you hate it, let me know.

But I’m figuring I’m on a roll and should start writing something else. I don’t know what. I don’t know if it’s going to be erotica (for which I’m already getting more requests – I love you ladies), or if it’s going to be more mainstream, or if I’m done for the year. Hell if I know. It’s that fickle muse problem.

In other news, I’m trying to decide if I should switch jobs at work.

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The Man with the Bag

Ok, so I finished a new story. First thing that’s been done, really done, in like 18 months or more. Only here’s the problem. I tried something I’ve never done before. A non-consent erotica story. Now, there’s certainly a fan base for this (Some of my favorite people are in that group), but it’s not […]

Ok, so I finished a new story. First thing that’s been done, really done, in like 18 months or more.

Only here’s the problem. I tried something I’ve never done before. A non-consent erotica story. Now, there’s certainly a fan base for this (Some of my favorite people are in that group), but it’s not at all for everyone. And when I say non-consent… Well, if you don’t know what that means, just don’t go read that story.

So be warned.

Now, as non-consent stories go, it’s fairly light weight. And it’s silly.

So I give you The Man with the Bag.

But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Skin and Moomin

This is one of those ‘odd where the web can take you’ bits. Let’s trace it as it happened. Brother Ray was talking about the tattoo he’s getting. Quinn responded with a mention of Shelley Jackson’s ‘skin’ project. So I went off and googled that, and got skin.

This is one of those ‘odd where the web can take you’ bits.

Let’s trace it as it happened.

Brother Ray was talking about the tattoo he’s getting.

Quinn responded with a mention of Shelley Jackson’s ‘skin’ project.

So I went off and googled that, and got skin.

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Hunter says it right.

I’ve been trying to come up with a way to say “here’s why you better vote for John Kerry in November”. But I’m not a political writer and I’m having trouble finding the right way to say it.

It’s simple. Bush is a bad man and a bad president. He’s taken the greatest PR windfall America’s had since WWII (9/11) and turned it into a reason for the world to hate us. They didn’t really have very much reason before. Some; sure. Not much. But he took all that hate and gave it a reason, handed our enemies ammunition, made our allies hate us, made us the laughing-stock of the world.

He’s dismantling our freedoms, he’s undoing decades of environmental and social progress, and if we let him, he’s going to re-make our supreme court in a way that will go on costing us for decades.

He’s gutting our economy and he’s going to walk away rich and safe while leaving the rest of us and our kids to pay for it.

He’s not my president. He was elected by fraud and corruption, and he has run the country the same way.

I don’t care if you like Kerry. I care that you vote against Bush.

But you know, let Hunter S. Thompson, let a man who does this for a living, tell you:

…That is why George W. Bush is President of the United States, and Al Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including the U.S. Supreme Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc.) controls all three branches of our federal government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election in November.

Go read that whole thing . It’s worth it.

I don’t care how you register. I don’t care about your party. This is past rebublican or democrat. This is about evil and stupidity. Kerry may or may not be the man you want running your country, but George W. Bush is not. Not if you think, not if you read, not if you value your freedoms. He’s done more harm to this country in four years than I’ve seen in my forty+ years of life. Don’t let him make it worse.

Hold your nose if you must. But vote and vote for Kerry. Vote against Bush.

Don’t let that evil bastard fuck up my country any more.

What was this about anyway?

When I started this thing, it was all about writing. There’s been a lotta stuff since. Orkut, way too muchg about orkut, but it made things happen in my life. Geekery, and the blogosphere in general. Travel. Kids. Family. Friends. Sex. My life, I guess. But I finally, finally got something written. A story I […]

When I started this thing, it was all about writing.

There’s been a lotta stuff since. Orkut, way too muchg about orkut, but it made things happen in my life. Geekery, and the blogosphere in general. Travel. Kids. Family. Friends. Sex.

My life, I guess.

But I finally, finally got something written. A story I started to conceptualize last fall, but didn’t have time to get done by the holidays. A bit of filth inspired by a song.

It’s not quite done. I think I need to expand it a bit (Usually it’s the other way, I need to strip out the too-much parts). But just finishing something, anything, even in a draft state, felt so damned good.

Fluff. Yeah. It’s fluff. But given that the last thing I finished was over 18 months ago, it still smells like napalm in the morning.

Yeah, I’ll post a link eventually. I need some expert editorial input on it to see if it’s worth a damn.

Geekery – Upgrade and AdiumX

Geek interlude. First, I just upgraded to MT 3.12. You see anything wrong (other than what’s wrong with me, and oh, where to start), let me know. Second, if you’re running OSX and still using iChat instead of AdiumX, get on it. AdiumX is a multi-protocol chat client, like Trllian. Only it’s still completely free, […]

Geek interlude.

First, I just upgraded to MT 3.12. You see anything wrong (other than what’s wrong with me, and oh, where to start), let me know.

Second, if you’re running OSX and still using iChat instead of AdiumX, get on it.

AdiumX is a multi-protocol chat client, like Trllian. Only it’s still completely free, it’s incredibly well designed, it’s under active development, and the guys who are working on it are really really cool.

Now, I was a big iChat fan. It has what I still think is the best chat interface around. But it’s full of bugs, it’s not really being worked on much, and it only supports AIM and rendezvous chat. As far as I’m concerned, a chat client that doesn’t support at least AIM and Yahoo is worthless. iChat also only lets you sign in one account at a time; again, useless. I have a work IM account, and a social account, and I need them both signed in. So until they get iChat up to speed with all that (and yeah, I keep asking), I will run something else.

I tried a bunch of other tools. Fire, Proteus, I think some others. They all sort of sucked.

AdiumX though, does not suck at all. It’s got a great, very configurable interface, it’s intuitive to use, it can be configured to look a lot like iChat. It’s got all kinds of plug-ins.

Version .7 was just released. I’ve been beta testing it all along and this is the best version yet. And it’s still getting better.

Even if you like iChat, I’d suggest you get it and give it a try.

It’s a start

This is one of those bits of writing I have sitting around. I can’t figure out what the hell to do with it. I dunno where it goes, I didn’t start with a plot. I just started with an opening line and it went from there. Went this far and then… Nothing. Here it is […]

This is one of those bits of writing I have sitting around. I can’t figure out what the hell to do with it. I dunno where it goes, I didn’t start with a plot. I just started with an opening line and it went from there. Went this far and then… Nothing.

Here it is anyway.

It starts with:

I picked her up at a funeral. Which should tell you something.

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God Dammmit, Server Down

So I’m happy once again that I use a local blogging client (ecto) because my web server is down ‘n dead for some reason (D’oh! But that’s free web space, which is long on love but short on support because I don’t pay for it. Love you guys). If you’re reading this it means we […]

So I’m happy once again that I use a local blogging client (ecto) because my web server is down ‘n dead for some reason (D’oh! But that’s free web space, which is long on love but short on support because I don’t pay for it. Love you guys).

If you’re reading this it means we got apache going again. If you’re not reading this, why the hell am I talking to you?

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