When the kick-stand ain’t down

Ok this has to be shouted.I DROPPED MY MOTHERFUCKING BIKE in the MOTHERFUCKING PARKING LOT.There…. Because, you know, I DROPPED MY FUCKING BIKE.God I hate when I do this.

Ok this has to be shouted.


There. I feel better. Well, ok, no I don’t.

Because, you know, I DROPPED MY FUCKING BIKE.

God I hate when I do this. And I drive a big plastic monstrosity, a trophy 1200 (That one ain’t mine, but mine’s just like it, or was until just now when I DROPPED IT!).

It’s the classic one. Kick stand wasn’t quite down and I let go.

The damage is mostly cosmetic, with one busted turn signal (which is of course like a hundred dollar part — fucking british import), and a friendly co-worker helped me get it back on two wheels so I didn’t blow by back picking it up, which I have done before with other bikes.

But christ. Just what I need to start my evening…

[made with ecto]

9 thoughts on “When the kick-stand ain’t down”

  1. Ouch.

    Several wisecracks come to mind, but I just can’t. I feel your pain. When I dropped my Hawk years ago, I crack a rear turn signal (

  2. Well, in this particular instance, I was referrencing your bike. Although that descriptive term is highly applicable in both fields. (The yum for you came a while ago, and there wasn’t really any way to comment on it, so… 😉 I might even make it a “YUMM” (note the double M) if it were a picture of you *on* your bike! 😉

    Besides, who’s been talking about who, eh?!

  3. oh, man. i’m so sorry! happens to the best of us. the worst is when you drop it and you have the kickstand down, or when you get to a stoplight and forget to put your feet down. that’s never happened to me, but i’ve seen it! pretty damn funny.

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