what the fuck time is it?

Well, the dreaded DST bug was about as big a deal as the Y2K bug – ie, not, but mainly because IT pros like myself put in a lotta hours in advance testing, checking and uprading. Of course that still meant a lot of hours at work on sunday re-checking everything to make really-damned-sure before […]

Well, the dreaded DST bug was about as big a deal as the Y2K bug – ie, not, but mainly because IT pros like myself put in a lotta hours in advance testing, checking and uprading. Of course that still meant a lot of hours at work on sunday re-checking everything to make really-damned-sure before users (ie, riff-raf, ie, you people) got on line and starting finding things broken.

Cause there’s nothing worse, for a support person, than when the users find the bugs we should have found.

Thus, today, all is well, but i need a day off.

I must say, I don’t know that i groove on this early DST thing. While I bet I like it later when it’s still light at 7pm, right now, the sun is burning in my east-facing window and searing my corneas. I’m sitting at my desk in sunglasses and squinting; I look like I have a monday morning hangover (or, you know, if I move my head right, I can pretend I look like Ray Charles, baby.)

What the fuck time is it, anyway?

11 thoughts on “what the fuck time is it?”

  1. Imagine working in an office that has so many manual clocks that tells time from various countries in the world. While North America had the DST change this weekend, other countries are still on the normal time zone.. How messed up is that.

  2. Works for me. I’m a DST baby, so after my body adjusts, I’ll be okay with it.

    What time is it? Time for me to still be in bed. I was asleep by 9pm last night (which is so many levels or wrong), got nine hours of sleep and I’m still sleep-walking.

    Time to go outside and soak up some Vitamin D.

  3. HA! Hiromi rocks.

    I used to live in AZ, too. It’s a fucked-up place in many ways, but the no time change thing and their prime time TV starting at 7 pm instead of 8 pm I always thought were both brilliant moves.

  4. Cause there’s nothing worse, for a support person, than when the users find the bugs we should have found.

    Actually, I beg to differ, hon… There’s nothing worse for a support person than when the users find the bugs the support people should have found and the support people cannot provide a fix for it right away. Users really hate being told “Well, you’re down until we fix it”.
    ‘Cause, you know… They’re more important. They’ve got people to do and things to see… They are the User, after all…or as I always refer to them: Job Security.

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