sake bombs away

some weeks just make your head wanna explode. You know how it is when things that should be simple wind up growing up to be problems, and then children of problems, and then problem-clans? They start as a spark and end a conflagration, start as a single point of data and fan out into a […]

some weeks just make your head wanna explode.

You know how it is when things that should be simple wind up growing up to be problems, and then children of problems, and then problem-clans? They start as a spark and end a conflagration, start as a single point of data and fan out into a cone of ill-logic?


Maybe it’s just me.

In any case, that is the week I’ve had, on the heels of the month I’ve had, and there’s the year, 1/3 gone and a foul, swampy road it’s been.

I think I had an entry here but as usual, my thoughts scatter like roaches when a light’s turned on; fuck it, I think it’s time for sake bombs.

4 thoughts on “sake bombs away”

  1. Hmmm… sounds like we’ve been trudging through the same paycheck swamp. But after the day I had dealing with both the non-medicated psychopaths and the over-medicated sociopaths, I’d much rather indulge in a Napalm Bomb.

    Of course, the last time I had one, it wasn’t deployed properly and instead of my office lighting up, I wound up with torched jeans and singed pubic hair! The wounds healed over nicely though… and I kinda dig the scar (but I’m freaky like that!)

    Next time, I think I’ll just stick to the drink!


  2. Be careful with the sake bombs. Went dancing last night, and had a few drinks of my own. Kissed a few of the men that wanted to take me home, and walked away from one that was a bit too obnoxious. Too many drinks though and my head is feeling like it wants to explode a bit…

    Had to get up early for someone that didn’t show up too. Guess he really wants our money.

  3. …wounds healed over nicely though… and I kinda dig the scar

    Leese, talk like that the wrong kinda attention if you get what I’m sayin’. Or, you know, the right kind. Depending.

    non-medicated psychopaths and the over-medicated sociopaths

    And then there’s me, the non-medicated sociopath. You just can’t get away from the madmen, can ya?

  4. Or, you know, the right kind.

    … well, I am freaky like that.

    You just can’t get away from the madmen, can ya?

    Heh! So would never be delusional enough to think that I’d ever be classified as “normal” :: much to my mother’s chagrin :: but then again, there are papers somewhere stating that I’m a mental head so all madmen are welcome. Just beware.. I have a nasty habit of aiming at things that annoy me! LOL! No.. that’s true!!!

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