backpiece: third session

We’re starting to work on detail and shading. This gives a better idea of what this will look like when we’re done. The difference between shaded and un-shaded is striking.

We’re starting to work on detail and shading.

This gives a better idea of what this will look like when we’re done. The difference between shaded and un-shaded is striking.

IMG_6101_2.jpg IMG_6098_2.jpg

5 thoughts on “backpiece: third session”

  1. It’s really beautiful. He’s doing a fantastic job. The shading on the rope is remarkable.

    But, of course, I would notice the rope.

    Her tail and hair are so textured.

    Excellent stuff, K.


  2. Wow… It’s incredible to see something that covers that much of your body.

    (And the picture leaves just a bit more that wasn’t covered! Lovely too!)

    It’s a fantastic tattoo.

  3. Hello
    I have to write to you after seeing your “Life on the Ocean Tattoo”. I had a large tattoo of a Maouri warrior on my lower back which is in Black and white much like your third session. Now i see that your final tattoo is in all color.
    I am trying to get that done to my tattoo. But every stupid tattoo maker in srilanka is saying that a black and white tattoo cant be modified into a color one. Specially the rope and mermaids fin were all Black and white earlier and are finally in colors.
    Any suggestion from your side will be highly appreciated.
    Please let me know all the details if possible including the tattoo artist or studios email id or contact number. I am ready to travel to any country to get it done into colors. Bright, vibrant and glossy like yours ?
    Thanks in advance

    1. ajanta-

      My first rule is, trust your artist. If he says he can’t do it, there’s a reason.

      Sure, ask two or three others; but if they all say it, that’s your answer.

      My tattoo was planned for color; the black is shading; you can’t color over solid black. I’d accept the word of your local tattooists. Tattooists tend to want to produce great tattoos, so they only say no when they just can’t do something and have it come out well.


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