The pusher-man strikes again. Gregg, welcome to blogger-land. You are one of us. Ok, that’s a little pre-mature you have yet to get a real entry up, but you will man, you will. While talking to Gregg (Who has too many gees and whose name I always want to spell with a differing number of […]
The pusher-man strikes again.
Gregg, welcome to blogger-land. You are one of us. Ok, that’s a little pre-mature you have yet to get a real entry up, but you will man, you will.
While talking to Gregg (Who has too many gees and whose name I always want to spell with a differing number of them, Greggggg, Greggggg, Greggg) about this, I also started thinking about desktop blogging clients. I don’t have a strong opinion about the idea yet, I need to monkey with MT a little to get Ecto working. But it seems a worthy idea for some additional functionality that you might get with a desktop client – spell check, a better preview mode, automated html insertion to save me extra typing. But the luddite in me laughs at the idea.
Opinions? Anyone out there using an external blogging client rather than a web interface? If so, why? Particularly MT users, which ones are you using?
And while we’re geeking out, note there’s a new Style in the pull-down menu, Titanium Gold. I rather like it. Again, courtesy of Scotty at
Ok, I promise, next entry will be free of geekery, and will contain only very little about orkut. Really. It won’t have any sex in it either. Wait though, we’ll get to that.
Now Playing: Dear Old Dad from the album Death Taxes & Prozack by Prozack Turner